Cat & Exotic Animal Services:

Iggy livin' the life on his window perch

Iggy livin' the life on his window perch

  • Cat Visits 20-30 min: $50 - $55 Adtl cat: $5

    • Cat visits include feeding, litter change & play time. Our feline family members are sensitive to change and appreciate being in their familiar, home environment. I strongly suggest against boarding your cats at any facility - pet hotel or vet hospital. They will be much happier staying at home. I have experience feeding cats raw diets & providing medication. Rate will be determined by temperament, needs of client & cat & travel distance.

BunBun the little green machine

BunBun the little green machine

 Exotic Pet Visits 30 min: $60- $65 Adtl pet: $5

  • I have experience taking care of bunnies, rodents, reptiles, fish and birds. From ferrets to bearded dragons to macaws - I've done them all :) If you have a snake, ferret, chinchilla or frog, do not hesitate to reach out! Rate will be determined by temperament, needs of client & pet & travel distance.

~ Medication for pets: $5 per medication for most medication - please contact for details.